Michael Meads
Photographs Not Taken; Steacy, Will ; Daylight Publishing; USA-2012.
Another Country: The Cultural Poetics of Queer Anti-Urbanism; NYU Press; USA - 2010.
Male: Works from the collection of Vince Aletti; PPP Editions; USA - 2009.
Fanzine 137; Luis Venegas, Publisher; Spain - 2007.
The Other Mardi Gras: Fat Tuesday in New Orleans with Michael Meads; Johnston, Brad, SX Magazine, Issue 316; Australia - 2007.
Mardi Graphite (La Ofrenda Solo Exhibition Review); Bookhardt, D. Eric; Gambit Weekly; U.S.A.- February 13, 2007.
Dark Vision (La Ofrenda Solo Exhibition Review); McCash, Doug; Times-Picayune; U.S.A. - January 19, 2007.
Let The Good Times Roll: Michael Meads After Katrina; Clamp, Brian Paul; Useless Magazine Issue 4: Fiascorama; U.S.A., U.K., France -
October 2006.
Caravaggio’s Rednecks; GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, Vol. 12, Number 2, pp. 217-236; U.S.A – 2006.
Currency; Sico Carlier, Publisher; Belgium - 2006.
Fanzine 137; Luis Venegas, Publisher; Spain - 2005.
Deep Blue; Studio Magazines, Publisher; Australia – 2004.
Bad; Studio Magazines Publisher; Australia – 2004.
Men in their Natural State: Michael Meads Defies Stereotypes; Robinson, Andrew; Gay City News. Vol. 3, Issue 28, pp. 25, 36.
U.S.A. - July 8-14, 2004.
Sweet Homo Alabama; Hakim, Jamie; Attitude, pp. 30-34; U.K. - June 2004.
Alabama Souvenirs; Pisters, Caspar; Squeeze, Vol. 2, p. 30; Netherlands – April/ May 2004.
Sweet Home Alabama: The Bad Boys of Michael Meads; Barbe, Yannick. Tetu, Number 87, pp. 102-111; France - March 2004.
The Boys: Growing up with Michael Meads; Johnston, Brad; Blue, Issue 47, pp. 42-51; Australia - November 2003.
Good ol’ Boys: Michael Meads; Northcross, Wayne; Instinct; Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp. 94-95; U.S.A. - March 2003.
Rural Rhapsondy: Michael Meads; Northcross, Wayne; Gay City News, Vol. 2, Issue 8, p. 34; U.S.A. - Feb. 21-27, 2003.
Boys, Bonds and Beyond; Previdi, Bill; HX, Issue 589, p. 26; U.S.A. - Dec. 20, 2002.